Proposed Short Stay Accommodation – 3287 (Lot 18) Chapman Valley Road, Nabawa

Published on Thursday, 23 March 2023 at 1:16:41 PM

The Shire has received an application seeking to use the residence at 3287 Chapman Valley Road, Nabawa for short stay accommodation purposes.


The Local Planning Scheme lists, within the ‘Residential’ zone, ‘Holiday House’ as a use that must be advertised for comment prior to determination.


The Shire is inviting comment and a copy of the application along with background information, and a submission form should you wish to make comment (support/objection/indifferent) can be viewed by clicking on the below links.


Comments must be received by the Shire prior to 4:00pm Friday 21 April 2023.


Should you have any queries please contact the Shire office on 9920 5011.

Click here for the Development Application Submission Form

Click here for Short Stay Accommodation form

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