White Peak Area Rabbit Control – Pindone Bait Release

Published on Tuesday, 17 January 2023 at 3:00:19 PM

White Peak Area Rabbit Control – Pindone Bait Release

Please be advised that contractors are currently placing Pindone baits in targeted areas for feral rabbit control :

  • Dolby Creek
  • Selected Bridal Paths
  • Bill Hemsley Park
  • Other Council controlled lands

Additional warning signage will be displayed on access tracks and areas where poisons are being used. The information on the warning signs should be adhered to at all times.


If you would like more information on the feral rabbit control, go to the Ranger Service page on the Shire website www.chapmanvalley.wa.gov.au/council/services/ranger-services.aspx


In addition, the Northern Biosecurity Group are also preparing to release the RHDV1-K5 strain of the calicivirus in the White Peaks region. This is on top of the works already completed during winter/spring in and around the Old Rail Corridor which included warren destruction and fumigation.  DBCA will also be baiting the Moresby Ranges for rabbits in January 2023. Residents are also encouraged to bait on their own properties.

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